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Demographics In Dubuque

How has Dubuque's population changed over time?

Browse recent data, and use it to help develop insights into issues of employment and equity explored throughout this section.

Dubuque County
City of Dubuque

Notes: At the time of data collection, 2020 data was available through the Census at the county level, but not at the city level.  Therefore, the demographic data listed here is from 2020 for Dubuque County, but 2019 for the City of Dubuque.


Breakdowns of racial and ethnic groups by age were only available for 2019.

Dubuque County
City of Dubuque
Dubuque County
City of Dubuque

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All data from the charts comes from the U.S. Census Bureau, and the American Community Survey, which is produced by the U.S. Census Bureau.


Data from the 2020 census can be found here2020 data was unavailable at the City level or broken down by age, so 2019 data was used for all City of Dubuque data and data on age.



The U.S. Census considers Hispanic and Latino an ethnicity, and not a race, meaning people can be "White" and "Hispanic/Latino" as well as "Black" and "Hispanic/Latino."  This is why "Hispanic or Latino" has been separated out on some of the charts.

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Because many common poverty measurements systematically underestimate the cost of basic needs, the ALICE (Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed) Household Survival Budget is a valuable tool for estimating the cost of living in Dubuque.  

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